Cancer Journey

Understanding your journey

Every cancer journey is unique, shaped by individual circumstances and experiences. While each path may differ, there are core stages that remain consistent. These stages include diagnosis, treatment planning, treatment, supportive care, follow-up care and survivorship. At our practice, we acknowledge the distinctiveness of your journey, recognizing the importance of tailoring our approach to suit your specific needs. Our dedicated team is committed to providing factual, down-to-earth guidance and support, addressing your concerns and preferences along the way. We are here to walk beside you, ensuring that you receive the comprehensive care and attention you deserve throughout every step of your cancer journey.




Cancer diagnosis

Diagnosis is the pivotal first step in your cancer journey. It's a moment filled with mixed emotions as the reality of your situation sinks in. We understand the fear and uncertainty that accompany this stage. Our experienced team conducts thorough evaluations using advanced diagnostic tools to accurately identify the presence and characteristics of cancer. 

We believe in clear and empathetic communication, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of your diagnosis. You don't have to face this journey alone; we are here for you, providing unwavering support and guidance as you navigate the path ahead with courage and determination.

Additional Reading

Read about what to expect at each appointment on the Patient Journey Page

Treatment Planning

Fighting cancer, cancer treatment planning

When it comes to developing a comprehensive treatment plan, we take a down-to-earth approach that combines factual expertise with genuine empathy. Our experienced team, working alongside oncologists and support staff such as breast care nurses, collaborate closely to design a personalized roadmap that addresses your specific cancer type and stage. We consider a range of treatment options, including surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or a combination of these modalities. 

By integrating your preferences and medical needs, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of the potential benefits and possible side effects associated with each option. Together, we navigate the treatment planning process, empowering you with knowledge and support as we chart the best path forward in your cancer journey.


Treatment Planning


Cancer Treatment

The treatment phase of your cancer journey encompasses a range of interventions aimed at targeting and managing the disease. We approach treatment with a combination of factual expertise and compassionate care. Depending on your specific cancer type and stage, treatment may involve surgical procedures, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or a tailored combination of these approaches. 

Our team works closely with you, guiding you through each step of the treatment process. We provide detailed explanations about the treatment options, potential side effects, and expected outcomes, allowing you to make informed decisions that align with your goals and values. Throughout your treatment, our dedicated medical professionals and support staff, including breast care nurses, are here to ensure your comfort, well-being, and ongoing support. Together, we navigate the complexities of treatment, empowering you to face each challenge with strength and resilience.



Supportive Care

Treatment Support

In your cancer journey, we understand that support extends beyond medical treatments. Our down-to-earth approach encompasses comprehensive supportive care, focusing on your overall well-being. Our dedicated team, including compassionate professionals and support staff like breast care nurses, is here to provide the care and guidance you need. We address the physical and emotional challenges you may face, offering pain management, nutrition guidance, and psychological support. We integrate complementary therapies and resources to enhance your quality of life during and after treatment. 

With our unwavering support, we aim to alleviate discomfort, promote healing, and ensure that you have the necessary tools and resources to navigate this journey with strength and resilience. You can rely on our team to be there for you every step of the way, providing compassionate support as we work together to improve your overall well-being.


Supportive Care

Follow-up and Surveillance

Cancer surveillance

After completing the initial phase of cancer treatment, the follow-up and surveillance stage becomes paramount. Our approach emphasizes the importance of continued monitoring and care in a supportive and compassionate manner. Regular follow-up visits, imaging scans, and lab tests are scheduled to track your progress and detect any potential signs of recurrence or new developments. 

Our dedicated team, including experienced oncologists and support staff like breast care nurses, is committed to providing ongoing support and guidance during this crucial phase. We ensure that you receive the necessary follow-up care, addressing any emerging concerns or challenges along the way. By staying vigilant and proactive, we aim to maximize your long-term well-being and peace of mind. Rest assured, we are here to support you on your journey, offering comprehensive follow-up and surveillance to ensure your continued health and resilience.


Follow-up and Surveillance

Survivorship and Rehabilitation

Cancer options

Beyond the completion of cancer treatment, survivorship and rehabilitation play a vital role in your journey towards recovery and renewed quality of life. Our approach is grounded in providing comprehensive support and care during this phase. We acknowledge the unique challenges that survivors face and offer tailored programs to address physical, emotional, and social aspects of recovery. Our team, including oncologists and support staff, is dedicated to guiding you through survivorship, assisting with lifestyle adjustments, managing potential long-term effects, and promoting overall well-being. 

We collaborate with rehabilitation specialists to develop personalized rehabilitation plans to optimize your physical function and regain strength. With our unwavering commitment, we empower you to embrace life after cancer, fostering resilience and assisting you in attaining your goals.


Survivorship and Rehabilitation

Appointment booking is provided in English. 

Consultations are provided in English and Mandarin Chinese.

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